Twitter is not just a nice toy for private use, but is also a free marketing and communication tool for the excellent publicity and Fanbindung in the club. For this it is important to know first of all what Twitter at all is and how it works.
Twitter is an instant messaging service on the Internet, with one short messages called "tweets" (engl. to chirp tweet =), can spread on the Internet. Every registered user can then news with a maximum length of 140 characters published for the general public. These short messages are then transmitted in real time to the reader. The establishment of a separate Twitter account is easy and takes only a few minutes.
Once you have set up a Twitter account for his club can start it immediately. Through an input slot can short Nahrichten in real time on the Internet are widespread. Read these messages either directly from users, a Twitter Acount "follow" or can be subscribed via RSS feeds . The latter is particularly suitable for those who do not have their own Twitter account. The RSS feed is provided for each Twitter account (see the RSS feed button here) .
As a club we have now the possibility of important news spread quickly, easily and for free on the web. In particular, their own fan base will appreciate this service very much, because you can participate virtually live at club events. Thus we are Alliance Partner and fans the opportunity to provide hot topic with news from the source.
When using Twitter as part of club communications, it is to be included very useful always the club's own website to understand with the success of these measures. In dieserm context, however, a powerful online analysis tools such as the Free Google Analytics necessary. can give
To a practical example of how a successful public relations look like with Twitter, I would like to revert to the regional football league SSV Reutlingen. The following is an example of beautiful twittering, which have impact on the user's behavior. It is also feasible 1:1 for each club.
last few weeks "twittering" and the SSV Reutlingen. The public relations campaign over the SSV club Twitter would like to achieve the following objectives.
- The association wants to quickly and effectively on current issues to inform
- The club's fans through the live coverage, like right out of the office a good service offering and tie so the fans closer to the club
- By spreading the news about the club wants to win new fans
How to do this can be illustrated through the following concrete examples:
on 27/10/2009, a Presemitteilung on the website published. This message was posted via Twitter. In the Twitter message was integrated a link that led to the press release published. Thus, we had a control over how many users visited the site on Twitter.
The success of this measure was to be seen. The subsequent online analysis could be observed that around 4% of all page views were referring to Twitter. The quality of these requests was also extremely high, only 23.08% of user verleißen once again, and each user spent an average of nine minutes on the site, which of course also for the editorial quality of the content speaks. However, all visitors who came over on the Twitter website "Widerholungstäter" and had been previously visited before.
What results can be derived from this small example?
- The flow of information and service for members and fans has improved significantly
- The number of hits on the website of the association can be through Twitter significantly increase
- The quality of the traffic is very high and means that users "bound" to the Internet and thus to the association are ( of course a good website to help with interesting editorial content!)
- Via Twitter could be "lured" no new users to the website of the Association. This is first but not surprising, because the association is so mainly used by Twitter users who are interested in anyway for the club. In addition, the club's Twitter was advertised in advance via the club media.
summary we can say that Twitter is a great tool in the promotion of clubs. Twitter helps to improve communication and organization in increasing page views on the club's website. In addition to Twitter Fanbindung Alliance Partner and is best suited. About Twitter in particular, for large sites and the advertising value increased significantly, because an increase in page views mean more potential advertising contacts what advertisers and sponsors would certainly be interested.
If you want to see how the SSV Reutlingen Twitter in public relations begins, follow the simple but club SSV Reutlingen Twitter.