Thursday, December 17, 2009

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more public work in organizations with Facebook: How do I use Facebook as a communication tool in the club?

is probably one of the cheapest, most effective and efficient online marketing tools for clubs, the Web 2.0 platform Facebook. Facebook offers the opportunity to own a club group to discuss the current events club informed. Even if your club does not have a website, you can within minutes a internet platform for Association communications create without having to pay a cent to have. Facebook is therefore an excellent tool for members and Fanbindung. In addition, Facebook provides the simplest means possible new members, fans or even to gain sponsors. But before I go to Facebook for my club communication to use? Here are some brief information to use as clubs (as well as brands and companies) Facebook for my communication:

What is Facebook?
see articles about Facebook on Wikipedia

has its own dedicated Facebook page for my club at all interesting?
A special Facebook page for the club is interesting, if that is the relevant target group for my club can respond effectively. Since it is Facebook but a fairly new communications tool it is for people to 34 years quite good. For older people at Facebook have largely not yet discovered it. Therefore, Facebook is primarily for communication with people under 34 years, which will change but certainly in the coming years.

What should I do to use Facebook for my club could be?

Step 1: need to create Facebook user profile and network build
First, You must be logged in to use Facebook at Facebook can be. In this case you need your own free user account. For instructions how to register can be found in the registry Facebook. Once you logged into Facebook you have the opportunity to network yourself with other Facebook users.

TIP: If you New beu Facebook Facebook are trying to know first of all with a private account of the functionality before You start your own group. Pay attention to establish business contacts with other Facebook users to be connected as possible with people to network, to which you have a personal relationship (eg friends, acquaintances, relatives, club members, etc). So that you warrant a high quality of your network, which will pay off later. use

To Facebook for communication to the club, it makes sense for Facebook to specifically look for club members and to integrate into your network. With each new contact in your network to expand your communication possibilities, as your contacts have indeed turn its own contacts, which are new contacts. This makes it possible to quickly get access to a very large number of people and spread your message as widely as possible, yet targeted.

Step 2: Create your own club page on Facebook
If you now have enough contacts have collected and are also plenty of club members to your contacts, then create you should own Facebook page for your club. Make sure that you absprichst this with the club officials. The Namely side should have an official character and must be maintained from now on always be to use them wisely. As a page is laid out you can find in the manual establishing a Facebook group .

TIP: Look for a official layout of your page so that they also recognized as the official club site. These include a logo and a meaningful description! Also note that the Facebook site is maintained and regularly as possible in the future must be updated daily. A poorly maintained or not Facebook page, anyone is interested and therefore useless. If you see the page alone can not maintain ask other club members who are on Facebook, whether they support you.

How do I move Facebook users to care for my club Facebook page and how do I get new Alliance Partner on my Facebook page?
Before you use your own page for the club can communicate you need first of all group members. These are on Facebook called "fans". About Einaldungsfunktion You can remove people from your own Facebook network direct invitation to the group. Your goal should be as many members to care for your side. Keep an eye but absolutely sure that you do not invite random into the group, but only people who are interested in really well for your club. You can view the members of your group even at the invitation also encourage people to invite as many interested parties as soon as "fans" have made their network.

should as soon as the first fans have registered on your Facebook page you start with communication. As to your Facebook profile private you type this (brief) status messages in the message field, the club side, which are then all the fans of your page displayed on their profile. In any status message there is a "Like" link and a message field in which every fan has the opportunity to comment on the status. Any action that you perform or the fans on the page is displayed on their private profile and can attract the attention of other Facebook users to be. That can then lead to more and more users join your club side.

For example
The member Hans Müller likes the current status message. He then clicks the "Like me" link and leave a comment on the current message. All his friends will receive a notification that John likes the current status and that he has left a comment for status message. Since all the friends in the network of Hans who read this notification is usually interesting for what Hans is saying there is a great probability that the friends of Hans your club Facebook page also visit the comment by Hans read . With luck, these new visitors are then also a fan of your club.

The more you communicate and the more interesting your status messages are, the more Facebook users will be interested in your messages and possibly even a "fan" of your page. Thus, spread your site as in a pyramid scheme.

How do I make interesting status messages on my Facebook page association? ask
Each status message that you spread on Facebook you should be connected first if the message is relevant to your fans. For each message should be your goal to create an incentive to your fans react to the message and spread it for you so on the Internet for free. Use also the possibility of any message an interesting link, images, videos, etc.beizufügen. Images and videos are viewed most frequently and very often commented.

Examples of interesting status messages:
  • One of your youth athlete was nominated for the youth national team. Such a message can quickly erzeilen a lot of attention.
  • One of your players was fouled in the final game bad. Exactly from this moment there is a very spectacular photo that you send with the status message. Depending on how the image is spectacular, it will attract attention, entice users to comment and spread itself so automatically on Facebook.
  • your football team last weekend with 0-1 lost due to a controversial penalty kick. There is a video of the scene that led to the penalty and you're hanging this video to your status message. Now the members of your site have the opportunity to discuss this video.
  • The association offers a new additional sports facilities for its members. This message can be spread via Facebook much faster than via a notice board in the clubhouse.

TIP: Avoid trivial status messages that are not members of your interest. Insignificant status messages can lead to members of your club side again abandoned and will be future for further communication is no longer available. If you get your members to give themselves to place status messages, then your site very quickly get a momentum and is also "self care" by the latest news spread automatically by the members. Pay attention here, but always ensure that a certain quality of contributions is guaranteed. You can exclude spammers from the group.

Facebook is a club with an excellent and free communication platform to connect with members, supporters or other interested Internet users to get in touch or keep in touch. Besides Facebook is is an excellent communication tool to spread the latest news, to inform about the club scene and revive the club activities interactive. Depending on how interesting the club Facebook page is designed in a club may make excellent attention to themselves and present so his activities to a wider public, and arouse interest for it. However, note that Facebook is used as a relatively new communications platform currently used primarily by younger people. The target group for 34 years until now very difficult to reach through this still relatively new form of communication.

example of success:
Since the establishment of a separate Facebook group at the regional football league SSV Reutlingen 190 groups were within a few weeks members will be generated. The SSV Reutlingen reported via Facebook occur daily on the current by repeatedly short status messages are placed. Here, for example, reports on the Internet or special match day activities will be noted and put pictures and video reports online. This measure will greatly help to group members but also many other Facebook users every day to bring the SSV Reutlingen in connection leading to a huge Fanbindung. Through the targeted placement of links on the Website of the association is Facebook after the Internet search engine Google, the most important external source of page requests. Rising significantly.