Friday, April 30, 2010

Ovechkin Skates What Kibd

first measurement in the charge up charge voltage

Hi, I have just made

also still the same, the first measurement with my built-in voltmeter.
following charge voltages encountered in my 20 cells. Was loaded with the standard Thundersky charger.

cell number, voltage in V

  1. 3.44 3.30 3.56
  2. 3.54 3.48 3.57
  3. 3.63 3.44
  4. 3.48 3.31 3.44
  5. 3.75 3.67 3.59
  6. 3.46 3.51 3.44
  7. 3.39
  8. 3.43 3.36
daszu I must say that my BMS, the first three cells are no longer monitored (is related to a small mishap).
While charging two or three cells were very briefly to values up to 3.84 V. That was right at the end of charging, the charger before briefly reduced the wattage and then switched a few seconds later all the "green" (ie shop finished) has.
I then immediately with the traverse started and I then get the top values. The voltage across the cells is thus very quickly again to lower values. When I then again a second time shortly durchgezappt by all cells have, the values were adjusted further, as seen from my collection.

During most of the charging process, the vast majority of cells were almost the same values. What I
says that now?
I think this means to me that I have the weakest cells times during the trip as a test should monitor the voltmeter. Above all, cell 2, since this is not only the weakest, but also by the BMS no longer monitored.

tips on how I measure better or more useful are welcome.

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Manual voltage control of single cells - Part 3: voltmeter and associated Power


finally comes. After my last year time was no longer possible to complete my project of an integrated manual monitor individual cells, I have now successfully completed the project today.
to technology, how can I switch between the individual cells, I have written in the first two parts have sufficient lot.
Now It was just a matter of the voltmeter to be connected correctly and installed a battery compartment for AA cells for the separate power supply to the instrument.
In the first picture you can see the voltmeter, which just displays the voltage of a cell.

The following pictures show the battery compartment, on which the voltmeter to the operating voltage of 9V is supplied. The subject I have shallow rear integrated directly into the removable bottom flap of the helmet compartment. That was pretty easy, since the subject was chosen to match its dimensions.
Also, I've built two mini-banana jacks so that the voltmeter can also be operated with a separate power supply (If there are no batteries to hand times).

Some are now wondering, perhaps, why I do not have the power to the voltmeter directly tapped as the light.

Well, that was originally ill-way of the plan.

Unfortunately in the experiment then found that my voltmeter is no difference between the mass or the negative terminal of the operating voltage and the ground or the negative terminal of the measuring voltage. This then led to the voltmeter, want to be added depending on which cell you, not stress got to maybe 4V, but up to 70V. This was my first voltmeter unfortunately destroyed :-(
I'm not a real electrician ;-)

But now everything works great and I feel with the structure, combined with my homemade switch is not only possible to measure each cell individually, but also on demand via sockets on the switch (I have I already described in detail below) load cells individually.
However, only with a maximum charge current of less than 500mA, as fuses are installed, go through the usual.

So that is all for now. As soon as I once made bissel measurements, I give around here.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How To Emulate A Usb Stick

eLogger V3 abandoned

Hi, I'm

in a forum already heard complaints that I have updated the blog is no more in, I would hereby re-enter the new season. Over the long winter, I rarely used the scooter, so there was nothing new.

first: It was not possible for me to get eLogger operable with the display up and running. Although the parameters are all moving within the official tolerance of eLogger, the eLogger is destroyed as soon as the display is connected. If it is operated without a display, everything works fine. Since this should not be, I have received after each test a new eLogger by the dealer under warranty. Unfortunately, it was probably not how anfgangs believed unique to a manufacturing error. The problem is reproducible. This is the logger unfortunately unusable for me :-( It is now being sold on ebay (fully functional, there appears to be guaranteed).
Alternatively, I'm going to soon be the Cycle Analyst (to be here in the vicinity under the name Bob Cycle) in detail View.
Also, I'm still a review regarding my manual maintenance unit (built-in digital voltmeter) guilty. I will be late filing soon.

That's it. Please be patient.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Very Small Lettlers Makers

We are a combination of young architects who have graduated in 2008, the school architect in Sursee. Together we want to do our duty for the industry. We also want that the industry starts to earn money again. Therefore we see it as important that the future generation of leaders brings. In return, the connection from time to time to meet current and future problems of the industry and discuss possible solutions to publish.

Thomas Gafner, Roland Felber, Roman Messmer, Curdin Pinggera

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If the construction management concept matter?

A training undertaken not only new knowledge but often with much motivation and drive to bring. So it goes to the members of the compound architects of the future. When asked what makes the industry wrong not that it minimum performance target is achieved, we are subject to discussion of strategy, now come to the issue management methodology.

Applies the industry the necessary tools needed for success? Results to answer the question are available on various levels. At the data level to examples in the evaluation of facts and figures of the builders association. Since 2000, the total volume to show an increasing value to the company could not be determined.
The costs and prices is to the detriment of the non-running enterprises. Labour productivity is virtually unchanged for 10 years, see the figures from the Federal Office of Statistics. This suggests a general force-free field.

speak The experience of the daily business to the companies active in the marketplace.
The connection may be called several examples where, in submissions, the best budget more than 5% was less than the vendor with the next best offer. This profit is a waste of almost inexplicable, but could do on a psychological level, with overestimation of their own have opportunities at the business Level of failure to competitive analysis, lack of or poor calculation. Or perhaps misunderstood breakeven analysis?? By miscalculate partly connected, you hear a lot of companies, which enter at different objects massive losses because they have offered well below production costs. This is then often excused with the argument "prestigious contract," added a bad value. Provocative, one might here ask the question of who exactly should serve the prestige of the firm or the executives?? Next, the speculation seems
willingness of businesses on the pricing increase. This is based mostly rather on the principle of hope, rather than a realistic assessment. The risks are so high.
striking feature is that revenue growth appears more important than making profits. While it is impressive, at what rate do some things to grow. Rarely, however, the rate is based on a clear strategy, but often only on prestige. Growth must always look at the market, both made with respect to geography and in terms of market volume change and market attractiveness in the segment. Sales growth in markets without displacement corporate takeovers, or with no clear strategy such as cost leadership, differentiated positioning and operating a African business is generally associated with loss.
increasingly uneconomic but also cross-subsidies, profits of today are to be invested in losses of tomorrow. Often companies have a very profitable business such as self-promotion of real estate or have departments that work profitable niches. There profits are then liquidated very often in unprofitable activities. The business approach should be here, however, must pay each activity and the respective surpluses to invest profitably.
are listed Certainly the excesses of the product of the displacement market. In the end, but there are shortcomings of market participants. If all competitors adhere to business rules, the industry would look very different picture. Management competence is the sum of entrepreneurial competence, successful strategic positioning and business management skills. The leadership of a company must have at least two of these three disciplines dominate, otherwise there is the end. The construction industry seems to be missing unfortunately einwenig exactly these management skills.

Which segments should solidify these skills in the construction industry? A good approach to deliver the management literature. The leading concepts are those of William Joyce (book What is important for lasting success) Jim Collins (The book Good to Great) and Hermann Simon (book Hidden Champions). For these concepts has been looking at some 1,500 companies by success methodologies. Comparing the concepts, so different to each other parallels are obvious. For the architects of the future related to the following mentioned approaches are perfectly tailored to be adapted in the construction industry for a successful future.

The first solution is concerned with the corporate culture. At Level Executive shall have the cultural approach, disciplined, humble, resolute, this results in first responsibility, then do the the right people the right things. Must continue to develop a corporate culture that ensures high performance and loyalty. At the end must be an industry respectively for their culture to attract talent. Incidentally, which one could solve the problem of lack of offspring, which would not last long term influence on corporate governance. Question, would offer a disciplined, humble, dedicated, talented squad uneconomic low prices!?

The second solution deals with the corporate strategy. Here again, the connection can be made to culture, the right people will do the right thing. How should the strategic positioning, we have described in our previous publication. Again, it is absolutely critical to develop a focused strategy, which Core competencies creates. This has a direct impact on the success, as you can to differentiate themselves from competitors through strategy. The strategy then becomes a core competency and then long-term success if it is rare and difficult to copy. You must fully focus on the customer. A lack of differentiation of the customer is almost forced to take only the Best. Those who missed it to differentiate themselves, deserve no more than that resulting from the price outlook. A good strategy is still only worth something if it is implemented with full force. Question would provide a company with a successful strategy unprofitable services??

The third solution deals with the Processes. Flat and flexible structures prevent bureaucracy, minimize costs and creates clear responsibilities. High quality, smooth operations, ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, this results in added value. Strong intrinsic value rather than outsourcing to subcontractors and sub-contractors with knowledge, inspires creativity and prevents loss of quality. A high degree of innovation improves the company image, makes a an attractive partner for customers and increase both the efficiency and productivity. As described in the previous publication, have culture, strategy and processes are congruent.

The writing is not as accessible as Accusations are, but his approach is to rethink.
The members of the compound to take the way, in any way from this, not mitzuschwimmen also in the stream of problems. To get feedback, we would be pleased.

Sincerely "link-builder Future