Monday, November 23, 2009
What Does Hiv Look Like On The Skin
after now read all integrated in the speedometer unit amazingly light (pictures to follow), but were still problems.
The eLogger does not work as planned! The device has been off of work to have a damage and nothing shows on the display.
-itself it works, if the laptop via the USB cable is connected, you can get in live mode all the values properly.
Means: send eLogger claim, waiting for new ones.
:-( I'll still try it in the present state sake let a few more days in it and then simply read the stored data.
Once the matter is complete, then a picture with hopefully functioning
ads :-) Oh, and the eLogger can be via a central button, which I installed near the ignition switch have, on and off. Thus it can be when not in use the scooter also separate from the batteries. It would not dramatic, when he would get the rest are still live (he uses only 40-60mA). Do not be.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
How Can I Become A Ornstar
this weekend will take place at last, the installation of eLogger and the display control of single cells. Both displays I've already integrated in the speedometer unit. The (extremely inaccurate) Clock had to give it. The clock is, moreover, with a button battery and thus did not depend on the electrical system of the scooter.
The eLogger is left, single cells monitor the digital voltmeter for the in the middle under the speedometer.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Funny Antiques Quotes
Now it is finally over. The carrier for the eLogger has come ready to be installed. To the mount itself, I can not say much. It consists of metal and contains two red screw terminals, which can be bypassed if necessary, the eLogger a few steps too.
In the foreground is the front display with extension cords.
installation coming soon!
Monday, November 9, 2009
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to information for those interested: I
interest sake, I wondered at times Thundersky directly for the optimum charging / discharging. The following Answer came:
To avoid overcharge or over discharge of some cell, the optimum charging and discharge voltage for battery pack is 2.8V-4.0V/cell. Pls NEVER discharge the cells below 2.5V. Actually, our battery is better to use below 80% DOD (depth of discharge) - about 3.0V, the less DOD, the more life cycle. So it is better to use the cells above 3.0V.
What Does Quinnanee Do
2006 I prepared a thesis on sponsorship in small and micro enterprises " at the German Sports University in Cologne to investigate whether and how sponsorship operates in these companies. The knowledge I gained from my work were shocking to say the least. Few companies recognize sponsorship as a fully-fledged communication tool in your marketing mix and very few ever understand what lies behind the concept of sponsorship.
This knowledge would I like to share with the readers of my blog. Therefore, I have the results of my study is now available for free on my Xing profile for all XING members to download.
If you are not yet a XING member, please use this link free to sign up at Xing. Alternatively, the bound thesis also Amazon available.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Does Grey Goose Have Gluten?
After the tedious soldering was completed, the switching unit has now been incorporated into the roller and the cables are connected to the BMS.
When installing the switch I had to improvise. There are no good options in fixing roller, so I had to tie and with hard foam (remains of packing materials) to fix the components accordingly. Is unfortunately not super beautiful, but functional and it is supposed to serve only maintenance.
Once in front, everything was fixed, the cable was strung through the back and wired to the individual cells on BMS. This was done much faster than the soldering work on the rotary switches ;-)
Here now was my first step in the plan drawn up at the right assignment is used. It may here be made no error, otherwise a short circuit!
Luckily, everything was good and at the end was again measured by the multimeter. Everything ok.
looks at the following image to the knobs and the two banana jacks to remove the tension. In theory, these individual cells can also be recharged targeted.
Again, the switching unit ...
Far back in the corner you can still see a toggle switch. Since the future still an LCD voltage meter connected to the values of live view, I have installed this on / off switch for the display as needed to fully energize.
So that's it for now. The next step is probably both the eLogger be connected and the LCD voltage meter to monitor individual cells.
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to eLogger project: Unfortunately, so far I could not install the eLogger V3, because I still miss some connections, which will order or get a friend of mine. Technically, it would be possible to incorporate eLogger any time. However, I would be able to unplug it when needed without any tools from the circuit if you experience any problems.
voltage monitoring of individual cells: Intermediate however, I have already implemented a new project almost. I want to use the service door of the scooter to provide an interface through which one can measure all the voltages of all 20 individual cells easily, also, for example while driving.
this it is necessary that at each of the 20 cells of both the negative and the positive pole is tapped for voltage measurement. Since I use the BMS20-550pro Ide ²-e, can be easily tapped the voltages on the sense lines of the BMS. Has the advantage that the leads are then protected even by the fuses of the sense lines to 500mA.
Furthermore, a possibility to switch between the cells is necessary, since the voltage of each cell, not all cells in series to be measured. Therefore have to be put to the "switch" theoretically a total of 40 lines. Practically there are only 21 lines because of the positive terminal of nearly all cells in series, too automatically to the negative terminal of the next cell in series is equal to: + [=] - + [=] - + [=] - + [=] -
Since only tension to be measured, the cross-section is not so important, and therefore offers itself as an old cable parallel printer cable. This includes 25 separate small strands.
to be sure to switch the order right, theoretically you would need a 2-pole 20 times the switch / knob. That's unfortunately not, at least not at affordable prices. That leaves the possibility of an electronic circuit. This would certainly be the most elegant. Since I am not a specialist in this area, however, and thus no electronic circuit would hammer out, I've changed my mind and simply resorted to four 2-pole 6-way rotary switch used. Makes a total of 24 positions. In each case, a switch position of rotary switch I have not been established. In this rest position, they are normal, there is only one shot on a predetermined, desired position about the voltage of a single cell to be passed through.
The switches I installed in a small plastic housing. Here you have to look how to do it best. Unfortunately, behind the flap on the scooter is not unlimited space and you have to try just wants to host the switching unit and how to get into it well. The solution in my case did not succeed 100% ideal may be served by the door and through work.
The soldering of the switch is basically logical and theoretically easy, but in practice quite tricky. Above all, you have to write 100% sure which wire was soldered where or to which battery cable which ran (in my case, BMS interface) is. I have to take a picture of the BMS interface and pasted directly from a piece of cable next to it. Also a sketch of how the rotary switch is helpful. Here you have to win any beauty contests so. The main thing you look through yourself.
The last step should necessarily use all cable wires are measured with a multimeter by the cable and the rotary switch with every possible single-switch position!