Monday, September 20, 2010

Wedding Invitation Reception Wording In Spanish

CSM and the Explorer - Res Futura?

announced, it is time to present those claims of CSM ( Council of Stellar Management, one of EVE players from within the elected council that will serve as an interface between the players and CCP ) steps that could affect the profession as Explorer. Could, because if CCP, these proposals, the more they are not even implement it, is more than uncertain (this is done for example in Unhappy Customer Project, which I read when a bit had to smile ...)

Total I could work out 5 points, which are relevant for Explorer and a 6th, which are under the circumstances could make it very difficult. Let's start

: Save

  • scan test patterns and reuse

    Who does not? An evening scan long, always bring back the probes in the desired Position, a hundred times the same handle. How nice it would be there when you could store his preferred "patterns" (how I ordered the probes to a target)? Whether the sims diamond or cube-five, everything would be done with a click and would save time properly. Class proposal set, 1 +!
  • Special icons for Faction, officer and Dead Space Items Hmmmm .... sounds

    after Klicki Bunti, and it is. to withdraw special icons, the items from the "normal" version, it would probably make the best case, the scammers a bit heavier. I think there are much more important points. This time, what comes to the CSM member

  • Bookmarks sit for Corporation

    remotely throughout the Corporation Bookmarks can get to? Very tempting, not only for Explorer. This could, for example in the form of benefit from the collected bookmarks of smaller complexes as light newcomers to be made available Corp. could. How many times have you already scanned a 2-Plex, but grasps in a cruiser? Just to cool if I could make the position of this quasi-plex instant Corp. a colleague to come. All times better than the plexes to your left ... interesting proposal.
  • color of the arrows to scan

    Explanation: If you sample repositioning, this is done through the 6 arrows at the sample. These are, depending on the position of the sample, at times barely visible. I think this experience everyone has done it before. A little more contrast or color would not hurt here safely. Fine thing. Here is a picture to illustrate the problem:

  • links "evaluation" and "Active obtain probes" too close together

    The CSM, which submitted the proposal already wrote separately that this is for people with "ham fists" is a problem. But honestly, you find the distance in the scanner UI too small? I do not know what playing for gross motor skills EvE ...
  • dress coats and container scannable

    here any calls for a CSM that in future, wrecks and containers are scannable, and that only with the normal core scanner probes. Well, here verschlägts me the language ... that would make some individuals who "work" much easier. Dress coats do not move, and therefore be scanned right fix. You know still do not know what that has to do with Explorer? Then I recommend you take a look at the blog of the colleagues "Schmetterflug" .

    Conclusion: underline this change please replacement.

So, that's waiting for today, maybe I better tonight after a bit, but the views on my "Explorer plans" must be a little more. Until then, I remain faithful to

Fly safe,



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