annoying. As one scans at 2 hours, the sore fingers, and everything here comes out a small faction Webifier is a Guristas Vigil . On its own, would be a really good loot, but we can but sometimes the numbers speak: Nearly 20 million ISK in more than two hours? Since laughs so every mission runner limp. So, what's wrong? Is my method wrong? Is too much competition? CCP has rationed the signatures?
I took my most recent dry spell as an opportunity to investigate a bit. On closer examination of signatures, the number, if and when this (re) spawn, one comes quickly (sometimes very wild) speculation. Someone who has the nice times together in a blog entry, NP Crusaid in his blog "Exploration Almanac."
where it is stated (meaning): respawn
- signatures after they have been emptied
- Where and when spawning it is unclear
- spawning signatures really new, after they have been emptied?
- spawning new signatures after downtime?
- spawning signatures in the same region / System / areas with the same Sec-status new?
- If the total number of signatures fixed or static?
Well, the answer came promptly (hopefully soon, whenever I have a serious problem;)), and so I would like to quote the answers here, this would probably violate any EULA / TOS violation (Thanks to Nere for the hint). Therefore, I reserve the name of the GM time for me and give the contents of our correspondence only in spirit again
- Basically this CCP would not make statements, but ...
- signatures respawn definitely, regardless of the downtime
- signatures disappear within 7 days
- The distribution of signatures (and anomalies) follows a fixed pattern ("static distribution system")
- signatures can not be "used up", there are always some who are present
- in an area (system / region) little sites, you have probably realistic to expect much competition
Until then,
Fly safe,
PS: Exploration stinks, listen to it, it is worthwhile net, is completely stupid!
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