Thursday, December 17, 2009

Juliette Birth Control Acne

more public work in organizations with Facebook: How do I use Facebook as a communication tool in the club?

is probably one of the cheapest, most effective and efficient online marketing tools for clubs, the Web 2.0 platform Facebook. Facebook offers the opportunity to own a club group to discuss the current events club informed. Even if your club does not have a website, you can within minutes a internet platform for Association communications create without having to pay a cent to have. Facebook is therefore an excellent tool for members and Fanbindung. In addition, Facebook provides the simplest means possible new members, fans or even to gain sponsors. But before I go to Facebook for my club communication to use? Here are some brief information to use as clubs (as well as brands and companies) Facebook for my communication:

What is Facebook?
see articles about Facebook on Wikipedia

has its own dedicated Facebook page for my club at all interesting?
A special Facebook page for the club is interesting, if that is the relevant target group for my club can respond effectively. Since it is Facebook but a fairly new communications tool it is for people to 34 years quite good. For older people at Facebook have largely not yet discovered it. Therefore, Facebook is primarily for communication with people under 34 years, which will change but certainly in the coming years.

What should I do to use Facebook for my club could be?

Step 1: need to create Facebook user profile and network build
First, You must be logged in to use Facebook at Facebook can be. In this case you need your own free user account. For instructions how to register can be found in the registry Facebook. Once you logged into Facebook you have the opportunity to network yourself with other Facebook users.

TIP: If you New beu Facebook Facebook are trying to know first of all with a private account of the functionality before You start your own group. Pay attention to establish business contacts with other Facebook users to be connected as possible with people to network, to which you have a personal relationship (eg friends, acquaintances, relatives, club members, etc). So that you warrant a high quality of your network, which will pay off later. use

To Facebook for communication to the club, it makes sense for Facebook to specifically look for club members and to integrate into your network. With each new contact in your network to expand your communication possibilities, as your contacts have indeed turn its own contacts, which are new contacts. This makes it possible to quickly get access to a very large number of people and spread your message as widely as possible, yet targeted.

Step 2: Create your own club page on Facebook
If you now have enough contacts have collected and are also plenty of club members to your contacts, then create you should own Facebook page for your club. Make sure that you absprichst this with the club officials. The Namely side should have an official character and must be maintained from now on always be to use them wisely. As a page is laid out you can find in the manual establishing a Facebook group .

TIP: Look for a official layout of your page so that they also recognized as the official club site. These include a logo and a meaningful description! Also note that the Facebook site is maintained and regularly as possible in the future must be updated daily. A poorly maintained or not Facebook page, anyone is interested and therefore useless. If you see the page alone can not maintain ask other club members who are on Facebook, whether they support you.

How do I move Facebook users to care for my club Facebook page and how do I get new Alliance Partner on my Facebook page?
Before you use your own page for the club can communicate you need first of all group members. These are on Facebook called "fans". About Einaldungsfunktion You can remove people from your own Facebook network direct invitation to the group. Your goal should be as many members to care for your side. Keep an eye but absolutely sure that you do not invite random into the group, but only people who are interested in really well for your club. You can view the members of your group even at the invitation also encourage people to invite as many interested parties as soon as "fans" have made their network.

should as soon as the first fans have registered on your Facebook page you start with communication. As to your Facebook profile private you type this (brief) status messages in the message field, the club side, which are then all the fans of your page displayed on their profile. In any status message there is a "Like" link and a message field in which every fan has the opportunity to comment on the status. Any action that you perform or the fans on the page is displayed on their private profile and can attract the attention of other Facebook users to be. That can then lead to more and more users join your club side.

For example
The member Hans Müller likes the current status message. He then clicks the "Like me" link and leave a comment on the current message. All his friends will receive a notification that John likes the current status and that he has left a comment for status message. Since all the friends in the network of Hans who read this notification is usually interesting for what Hans is saying there is a great probability that the friends of Hans your club Facebook page also visit the comment by Hans read . With luck, these new visitors are then also a fan of your club.

The more you communicate and the more interesting your status messages are, the more Facebook users will be interested in your messages and possibly even a "fan" of your page. Thus, spread your site as in a pyramid scheme.

How do I make interesting status messages on my Facebook page association? ask
Each status message that you spread on Facebook you should be connected first if the message is relevant to your fans. For each message should be your goal to create an incentive to your fans react to the message and spread it for you so on the Internet for free. Use also the possibility of any message an interesting link, images, videos, etc.beizufügen. Images and videos are viewed most frequently and very often commented.

Examples of interesting status messages:
  • One of your youth athlete was nominated for the youth national team. Such a message can quickly erzeilen a lot of attention.
  • One of your players was fouled in the final game bad. Exactly from this moment there is a very spectacular photo that you send with the status message. Depending on how the image is spectacular, it will attract attention, entice users to comment and spread itself so automatically on Facebook.
  • your football team last weekend with 0-1 lost due to a controversial penalty kick. There is a video of the scene that led to the penalty and you're hanging this video to your status message. Now the members of your site have the opportunity to discuss this video.
  • The association offers a new additional sports facilities for its members. This message can be spread via Facebook much faster than via a notice board in the clubhouse.

TIP: Avoid trivial status messages that are not members of your interest. Insignificant status messages can lead to members of your club side again abandoned and will be future for further communication is no longer available. If you get your members to give themselves to place status messages, then your site very quickly get a momentum and is also "self care" by the latest news spread automatically by the members. Pay attention here, but always ensure that a certain quality of contributions is guaranteed. You can exclude spammers from the group.

Facebook is a club with an excellent and free communication platform to connect with members, supporters or other interested Internet users to get in touch or keep in touch. Besides Facebook is is an excellent communication tool to spread the latest news, to inform about the club scene and revive the club activities interactive. Depending on how interesting the club Facebook page is designed in a club may make excellent attention to themselves and present so his activities to a wider public, and arouse interest for it. However, note that Facebook is used as a relatively new communications platform currently used primarily by younger people. The target group for 34 years until now very difficult to reach through this still relatively new form of communication.

example of success:
Since the establishment of a separate Facebook group at the regional football league SSV Reutlingen 190 groups were within a few weeks members will be generated. The SSV Reutlingen reported via Facebook occur daily on the current by repeatedly short status messages are placed. Here, for example, reports on the Internet or special match day activities will be noted and put pictures and video reports online. This measure will greatly help to group members but also many other Facebook users every day to bring the SSV Reutlingen in connection leading to a huge Fanbindung. Through the targeted placement of links on the Website of the association is Facebook after the Internet search engine Google, the most important external source of page requests. Rising significantly.

Monday, November 23, 2009

What Does Hiv Look Like On The Skin

eLogger installation III - difficulties


after now read all integrated in the speedometer unit amazingly light (pictures to follow), but were still problems.
The eLogger does not work as planned! The device has been off of work to have a damage and nothing shows on the display.
-itself it works, if the laptop via the USB cable is connected, you can get in live mode all the values properly.
Means: send eLogger claim, waiting for new ones.
:-( I'll still try it in the present state sake let a few more days in it and then simply read the stored data.
Once the matter is complete, then a picture with hopefully functioning
ads :-) Oh, and the eLogger can be via a central button, which I installed near the ignition switch have, on and off. Thus it can be when not in use the scooter also separate from the batteries. It would not dramatic, when he would get the rest are still live (he uses only 40-60mA). Do not be.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

How Can I Become A Ornstar

eLogger V3 Installation II

this weekend will take place at last, the installation of eLogger and the display control of single cells. Both displays I've already integrated in the speedometer unit. The (extremely inaccurate) Clock had to give it. The clock is, moreover, with a button battery and thus did not depend on the electrical system of the scooter.


The eLogger is left, single cells monitor the digital voltmeter for the in the middle under the speedometer.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funny Antiques Quotes

eLogger V3 installation I

Now it is finally over. The carrier for the eLogger has come ready to be installed. To the mount itself, I can not say much. It consists of metal and contains two red screw terminals, which can be bypassed if necessary, the eLogger a few steps too.

CIMG5984 In the foreground is the front display with extension cords.

installation coming soon!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Gadget For Saleto Win Slot Machine

Inquiry for LiFePo Batteries at Thundersky

to information for those interested: I

interest sake, I wondered at times Thundersky directly for the optimum charging / discharging. The following Answer came:

To avoid overcharge or over discharge of some cell, the optimum charging and discharge voltage for battery pack is 2.8V-4.0V/cell. Pls NEVER discharge the cells below 2.5V. Actually, our battery is better to use below 80% DOD (depth of discharge) - about 3.0V, the less DOD, the more life cycle. So it is better to use the cells above 3.0V.

What Does Quinnanee Do

The Professional quality of sports sponsorship company

2006 I prepared a thesis on sponsorship in small and micro enterprises " at the German Sports University in Cologne to investigate whether and how sponsorship operates in these companies. The knowledge I gained from my work were shocking to say the least. Few companies recognize sponsorship as a fully-fledged communication tool in your marketing mix and very few ever understand what lies behind the concept of sponsorship.

This knowledge would I like to share with the readers of my blog. Therefore, I have the results of my study is now available for free on my Xing profile for all XING members to download.

If you are not yet a XING member, please use this link free to sign up at Xing. Alternatively, the bound thesis also Amazon available.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Does Grey Goose Have Gluten?

Manual voltage control of single cells - Part 2: Installation of the switch and connection of cells / BMS

After the tedious soldering was completed, the switching unit has now been incorporated into the roller and the cables are connected to the BMS.

When installing the switch I had to improvise. There are no good options in fixing roller, so I had to tie and with hard foam (remains of packing materials) to fix the components accordingly. Is unfortunately not super beautiful, but functional and it is supposed to serve only maintenance.

Once in front, everything was fixed, the cable was strung through the back and wired to the individual cells on BMS. This was done much faster than the soldering work on the rotary switches ;-)

Here now was my first step in the plan drawn up at the right assignment is used. It may here be made no error, otherwise a short circuit!

CIMG5977 CIMG5978

Luckily, everything was good and at the end was again measured by the multimeter. Everything ok.

looks at the following image to the knobs and the two banana jacks to remove the tension. In theory, these individual cells can also be recharged targeted.


Again, the switching unit ...


Far back in the corner you can still see a toggle switch. Since the future still an LCD voltage meter connected to the values of live view, I have installed this on / off switch for the display as needed to fully energize.


So that's it for now. The next step is probably both the eLogger be connected and the LCD voltage meter to monitor individual cells.

Moblie Phone Police Scranner

Manual voltage control of single cells - Part 1: Soldering the knob / switch


to eLogger project: Unfortunately, so far I could not install the eLogger V3, because I still miss some connections, which will order or get a friend of mine. Technically, it would be possible to incorporate eLogger any time. However, I would be able to unplug it when needed without any tools from the circuit if you experience any problems.

voltage monitoring of individual cells: Intermediate however, I have already implemented a new project almost. I want to use the service door of the scooter to provide an interface through which one can measure all the voltages of all 20 individual cells easily, also, for example while driving.

this it is necessary that at each of the 20 cells of both the negative and the positive pole is tapped for voltage measurement. Since I use the BMS20-550pro Ide ²-e, can be easily tapped the voltages on the sense lines of the BMS. Has the advantage that the leads are then protected even by the fuses of the sense lines to 500mA.

Furthermore, a possibility to switch between the cells is necessary, since the voltage of each cell, not all cells in series to be measured. Therefore have to be put to the "switch" theoretically a total of 40 lines. Practically there are only 21 lines because of the positive terminal of nearly all cells in series, too automatically to the negative terminal of the next cell in series is equal to: + [=] - + [=] - + [=] - + [=] -

CIMG5966 CIMG5967

Since only tension to be measured, the cross-section is not so important, and therefore offers itself as an old cable parallel printer cable. This includes 25 separate small strands.


to be sure to switch the order right, theoretically you would need a 2-pole 20 times the switch / knob. That's unfortunately not, at least not at affordable prices. That leaves the possibility of an electronic circuit. This would certainly be the most elegant. Since I am not a specialist in this area, however, and thus no electronic circuit would hammer out, I've changed my mind and simply resorted to four 2-pole 6-way rotary switch used. Makes a total of 24 positions. In each case, a switch position of rotary switch I have not been established. In this rest position, they are normal, there is only one shot on a predetermined, desired position about the voltage of a single cell to be passed through.

CIMG5971 CIMG5969

The switches I installed in a small plastic housing. Here you have to look how to do it best. Unfortunately, behind the flap on the scooter is not unlimited space and you have to try just wants to host the switching unit and how to get into it well. The solution in my case did not succeed 100% ideal may be served by the door and through work.

CIMG5972 CIMG5974

The soldering of the switch is basically logical and theoretically easy, but in practice quite tricky. Above all, you have to write 100% sure which wire was soldered where or to which battery cable which ran (in my case, BMS interface) is. I have to take a picture of the BMS interface and pasted directly from a piece of cable next to it. Also a sketch of how the rotary switch is helpful. Here you have to win any beauty contests so. The main thing you look through yourself.


The last step should necessarily use all cable wires are measured with a multimeter by the cable and the rotary switch with every possible single-switch position!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Waxing Uneven Thin Eyebrows

Twitter make good use of publicity in the football club

Twitter is not just a nice toy for private use, but is also a free marketing and communication tool for the excellent publicity and Fanbindung in the club. For this it is important to know first of all what Twitter at all is and how it works.

Twitter is an instant messaging service on the Internet, with one short messages called "tweets" (engl. to chirp tweet =), can spread on the Internet. Every registered user can then news with a maximum length of 140 characters published for the general public. These short messages are then transmitted in real time to the reader. The establishment of a separate Twitter account is easy and takes only a few minutes.

Once you have set up a Twitter account for his club can start it immediately. Through an input slot can short Nahrichten in real time on the Internet are widespread. Read these messages either directly from users, a Twitter Acount "follow" or can be subscribed via RSS feeds . The latter is particularly suitable for those who do not have their own Twitter account. The RSS feed is provided for each Twitter account (see the RSS feed button here) .

As a club we have now the possibility of important news spread quickly, easily and for free on the web. In particular, their own fan base will appreciate this service very much, because you can participate virtually live at club events. Thus we are Alliance Partner and fans the opportunity to provide hot topic with news from the source.

When using Twitter as part of club communications, it is to be included very useful always the club's own website to understand with the success of these measures. In dieserm context, however, a powerful online analysis tools such as the Free Google Analytics necessary. can give

To a practical example of how a successful public relations look like with Twitter, I would like to revert to the regional football league SSV Reutlingen. The following is an example of beautiful twittering, which have impact on the user's behavior. It is also feasible 1:1 for each club.

last few weeks "twittering" and the SSV Reutlingen. The public relations campaign over the SSV club Twitter would like to achieve the following objectives.
  1. The association wants to quickly and effectively on current issues to inform
  2. The club's fans through the live coverage, like right out of the office a good service offering and tie so the fans closer to the club
  3. By spreading the news about the club wants to win new fans
How to do this can be illustrated through the following concrete examples:

on 27/10/2009, a Presemitteilung on the website published. This message was posted via Twitter. In the Twitter message was integrated a link that led to the press release published. Thus, we had a control over how many users visited the site on Twitter.

The success of this measure was to be seen. The subsequent online analysis could be observed that around 4% of all page views were referring to Twitter. The quality of these requests was also extremely high, only 23.08% of user verleißen once again, and each user spent an average of nine minutes on the site, which of course also for the editorial quality of the content speaks. However, all visitors who came over on the Twitter website "Widerholungstäter" and had been previously visited before.

What results can be derived from this small example?
  1. The flow of information and service for members and fans has improved significantly
  2. The number of hits on the website of the association can be through Twitter significantly increase
  3. The quality of the traffic is very high and means that users "bound" to the Internet and thus to the association are ( of course a good website to help with interesting editorial content!)
  4. Via Twitter could be "lured" no new users to the website of the Association. This is first but not surprising, because the association is so mainly used by Twitter users who are interested in anyway for the club. In addition, the club's Twitter was advertised in advance via the club media.
summary we can say that Twitter is a great tool in the promotion of clubs. Twitter helps to improve communication and organization in increasing page views on the club's website. In addition to Twitter Fanbindung Alliance Partner and is best suited. About Twitter in particular, for large sites and the advertising value increased significantly, because an increase in page views mean more potential advertising contacts what advertisers and sponsors would certainly be interested.

If you want to see how the SSV Reutlingen Twitter in public relations begins, follow the simple but club SSV Reutlingen Twitter.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Rock Salt Water Deodorant Diy

"service door"


had the first preparatory step for the installation eLogger I provided the service door with a hinge. Originally, here at a petrol model in the same body probably housed the fuses. Therefore, the flap can be default, even pry with a screwdriver. The solar scooter is hidden behind the door so
NOTHING :-) I would like to make at this point for now only time the USB cable, which lets you configure the display of the eLogger, read data and can send firmware updates.
see how my solution of the moment. The screws I'll probably still black.

closed open

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Actual Spels That Turn You Into A Warewolf

gauge - eagle tree eLogger V3


I'm out an additional instrument decided to install in my scooter. Since the scooter is generally sparsely equipped with instruments and not really useful "fuel gauge" has, I have decided on the eLogger V3 from Eagle Tree Systems. This is originally designed for the "upscale" model, is also excellent for my purposes.
The eLogger to meet with me the following tasks:
measure and display:
- Current operating voltage
- Current consumption (A)
- cumulative power consumption ("fuel gauge")
- temperature control / display by the controller
- monitoring or display of another temperature (eg from itself or from the batteries)

eLogger The V3 can be extended with many more sensors. Also, the eLogger via the supplied USB cable + software can be connected to the computer to adjust the display as his personal display preferences. Wen it was interested in closer to the site of Eagle Tree Systems referenced. German instructions and descriptions of the functions available on the Internet also in sufficient quantity (google).

on the (bad) photo you can see right the eLogger V3. In my hand I think it already time for test purposes connected display, which should then be integrated into the Amatur of the scooter. Moreover, the display at that moment in the values of two temperature sensors. I have it configured to automatically switch between these values, the switches previously used current and the instantaneous values of voltage and current. So much
first to do so. I will approach the installation in the next few days, all reported and documented.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Squinge Pregnancy Wear Clothes Hack

2700 km - short balance


to 2700 kilometers (km with BMS since 1000), I would like for regular visitors some feedback:

Drive: The BMS
seems to work fine. If the scooter is driven to about 2 / 3 empty and you go full throttle on a slope, so that the needle of voltmeter deflects significantly down, you can "provizieren" the cause or warning.
My understanding is that one should not do that of course, or as soon as the alarm sounds, something go from the gas, so the voltage is not in individual cells falls below critical levels.
generally protects the material during my driving style comes the but in practice not.
This is partly because I always reload quite early, on the other because I avoid to protect the batteries, the high flow discharge and thus rarely go full throttle and if so, then in the plane.

When loading has actually not changed appreciably with BMS. The BMS is active during the charge has nothing to do but probably not too much (ie the cells are fairly well balanced), as the charging process in comparison to the past do not take noticeably longer.

driving in the cold: Summer is over now
slowly. Sometimes it was quite cold in the morning. If the temperature is below 10 ° C you can clearly see that the batteries will get less power.
more details I can not say this, unfortunately. I do not know if now it is effectively less capacity is available or just the tension by an increased internal resistance is lower. I should also like the situation is with the store in the cold. For example: I invite every night when it's cold on, but go the next day at noon when the scooter has warmed up considerably by the sun going on.

Anyway. Maybe sometime soon I have the muse document the detail.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yaoi Manga With Wedding

Earn construction company enough?

The answer to this question has probably not only young architect, but all of which have to do with business results. A quick response is given: No

Enough would be a return on equity, including Risk premium of around 10% annually. A size which is achieved by very few companies actually. Despite still good construction, the actual margin of articles or below the target. Listening to pure in the industry to find an answer on the grounds of the margin problem, this is the tenor that the intense competition is responsible, among market participants. This answer is not wrong-ahead, but it takes much too short, is partly responsible who have things to yourself!

The construction industry in Switzerland is at the beginning of a change. Changing needs of society, further changing the economy by offering field service rather than production, immigration in cities and urban areas, but also declining land reserves in changing market needs arise. The only constant is his SBB-faster, better, cheaper. The margin of the product "construction" will continue to worsen, ensures free competition, increased mobility and cut correspond limits.

Back to the question about sufficient merit. The prevailing explanation regarding poor margin is based on an outdated model. The construction industry is supportive, while not explicitly aim at, but the parallels are clear of the argument, which, unfortunately, speaks not just for the industry. The model has its roots in industry structure analysis according to the five-forces model (Porter). The Economics said that until the early 90s, if a company makes money or not. It was examined after 5 forces acting on the industry. Entry and exit barrier of market participants, substitute products, supplier power, customer power, and rivalry among the competitors. The sole supports this analysis is fatal, since it restricts the entrepreneurial horizon. It cements a persisting way of thinking, creating a much needed development remains on track. Accordingly, the discussion is open to initiate the construction industry in a paradigm shift.

Just imagine the following question: What would be missing the mark were it not for my company? This question is answered above all to be difficult when only include properties that can stand by what one competitor from the clear and long term. The deal with this issue, which is itself to be honest, can already be the first step in a new way of thinking.

early 90's was replaced in economics, Porter's model by the resource-based view (Prahalad / Hamel). No matter how intense the competition in an industry is to find companies that extraordinary abilities within them, develop them and use are, on average success. Each company and has its own extraordinary skills, or at least the opportunity to develop such. For this assignment "from the inside out" theory in U.S. companies industry-wide investigation was conducted. The result which resulted in the process showed that 44% of the Unternehmenscharistika and only 4% of the Branchencharistika successes, failures due respectively (Rumelt). Provocative, one could therefore answers to the question enough merit: there is no margin problem, there is more than the positioning errors or omissions. In order to achieve displacement in markets such as the construction sector continued success, and in order to tackle the challenges is need to rethink.

The step is a microeconomic and has to do with strategic management. It is the search for extraordinary skills within the firm. They have to find core competence must necessarily following characteristics: first

It must be valuable for the customer and provide added value to him

second The capacity has to be rare in the market area

third It must be difficult to imitate or substitutability

4th The ability to be used in various business fields. Basically, it goes

simple but crucial things the customer and the differentiation from competitors.

at the customer should be recognized in its purchasing criteria. The more intense the competition and the more open the markets, the lower the barriers to switching to convince the customer, the more important it is the customer from the customer value. What moves the customer to buy? What is its value? This can be quite different, varying motives respectively. Survey your customers and find the answer. More value means not necessarily be the lowest price! The belief that the customer is purely rational thought and its only criterion is the price is wrong.

differentiation through the core competence of rare and hard to imitate. The core competence is only long-term success! The value of a core competence increases, the it is difficult to imitate. Each company has its own strengths and weaknesses, but take it for virtually any industry in which entrepreneurs, can be leveled in such a way as do those of the construction industry. A lack of differentiation of the customer is almost forced to take only the Best. Those who missed it to differentiate themselves, deserve no more than that resulting from the price outlook.

The reason that the ability to be used in various fields of business is located must be to provide that today most enterprises in various business services. History knows no enterprise, which was large by downsizing. Therefore important is that one finds the core competencies, which provide added value in various business fields.

Having found its core competence, the company is fully aligned to it. The successful implementation is possible if strategy, corporate culture, structures and processes are congruent.

It is clear that the writing is not simply a matter of course. It is also clear, requires the rethinking his time. We are pleased in this context, however, the last question, can afford the industry, like today to go on? How long?

take the members of the connection, incidentally, in any way from this, not mitzuschwimmen also in the stream of problems. To get feedback, we would be pleased. You are cordially invited to place their opinion!

Sincerely "link-builder Future

Friday, September 25, 2009

I Heart Boobies Bracelet Kuwait

sponsor and get money for it?

The football league club SSV Reutlingen will give its partners the possibility of future free from the club to advertise. In addition, each partner in the future will be rewarded financially for it also "sponsor" of the association to be. What at first sounds unbelievable to do with the new sponsorship concept of the SSV Reutlingen, which has developed the club with his new partner Euler + Welfare and now implements.

offers in cooperation with the Reutlinger specialist for solar plant Euler + Welfare SSV Reutlingen interested individuals, but above all enterprises, free to act as a sponsor of the club. The only prerequisite for this is that the partner is made Euler + welfare roof area for the construction of photovoltaic plants. One can choose between the options themselves to build a plant or to the roof but the building of Euler + welfare rent, resulting then no investment costs. No matter which option you ultimately decide: Benefit will be duplicated in any case.

Depending on the performance of installed plant replaced by the respective partners of SSV Reutlingen a budget that can be redeemed in the form of advertising services or admission tickets. In addition, future cash receipts flowing from the solar power production in the pocket of the owner's roof. This is a win-win situation is created for all parties involved very lucrative because

  • cooperation partner benefits in the form of advertising or tickets received
  • the Partners through the installation of a system in future an additional source of revenue open up
  • now any real estate ownership "SSV" can support active without money for it in your hand have to
  • the SSV Reutlingen is any new system that emerges financially in connection with the concept supported by Euler + welfare
  • help all parties to that future still professional football in Reutlingen can be played
  • the environment through savings in CO2 is actively protected

Personally, this approach find particularly interesting they do not present simply a band area was offered, but because work is done together with sponsors, fans, friends and partners of the Football Association for the success of the club. The objectives of the solar system builder are clear: to sell solar panels and certainly support the club, but sell in the first place. Since many would like, he has given with the initial sponsor a clear competitive advantage over its competitors as it has since access to a variety of interesting communication tools, namely

  • the website of the Association www.ssv-news . de (approximately 800,000 page views per month)
  • the Xing Group of the association (currently 207 members)
  • the stadium newspaper (circulation 85 000 pieces per season; distribution some of the daily newspaper)
  • the Distribution of the association (about 100 press contacts)
  • the sponsors distribution of the association ( 55 direct links with business and marketing decision-makers)
  • the sponsors of the association (eg on match days in the VIP area)
  • the members of the association (currently 1,700)
  • The Bureau of the association, which has good contacts in politics and business

This concept is certainly an interesting approach for many other football clubs and a move away from simple tape marketing, to professional football marketing in its various manifestations. Bands are good, but not all. Why not a company pay to have it einsteigt as a sponsor. If it works right and any means ;-)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Trichloroacetic Acid (tca) Burned My Skin

rear wheel replaced

When installing the BMS was also still the same, the rear replaced on warranty. It had a certain imbalance, which is probably due to Chinese manufacturing tolerances.

The new wheel wobbles much less or not at all. It could perhaps even balance.
recommends to install the new wheel is to be together. It is also advantageous for the scooter somehow jack up or as here, by means of "ant" to raise.

Use Xbox 360 Controller On Pc Plug And Play Hack

BMS finally installed set

Dear blog readers,

yesterday it finally happened. My Solar-Scooter Dealers , with the support of my energetic Using the BMS retrofitted. I almost feel guilty because I've ridden the scooter now makes up a good 1800km without BMS, and have traveled here and there but quite long distances at a time.
It is the BMS20-550pro Ide ²-e. The BMS provides not only a uniform charge of the cells, it also warns acoustically against deep discharge.

The installation turns out everything was not problematic.
it simply the "helmet" is expert, the preceding cover and the underlying controller unscrewed. We shall have free access to the batteries, at the terminals, the cable from the BMS in the manual described and labeled Order to be fixed.
Right: expanded tub, and the controller can be pushed to the side.

Before you begin the leads of the BMS at the appropriate poles of the batteries to clamp, you should always remove the cable of the negative pole of the last cell, so that no closed electrical circuit can occur during any work!
Right: cable remote works while the last cell.

Each cable contains a small backup of the BMS and can be the appropriate place of BMS separated comfortable / unplugged. This gives the opportunity to screw first all cable ends to the batteries and then plug the cord back in after the wiring harness. This is much more convenient and easier than ever tamper with the riesiegen Kabelwust.

Right: BMS Kabelwust, each cable is clearly labeled -> no problem with assignment / installation.

Below: view of the battery cable ends already connected with the BMS.

Finally, connect the cables correctly and test everything according to instructions. Everything worked perfectly.

The good news: after 1850km driven without BMS were my cells in the control measurement, fortunately, still almost balanced. All cells differed by less than 0.1 V.

10/24/2009 Correction: This measured after installation of the BMS values are not meaningful! They were measured at rest, so that in the meantime all cells had recovered to a consistent level. A correct measurement should be done under load!

I am regularly despite BMS now anyway every few thousand kilometers control measure - interest payment.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Can I Have Pepto Bismol And Tylenol

kind sponsorship: It does not have his money!

It's not a big Secret that in many football clubs due to chronic shortages of money constantly looking for new sponsors. Unfortunately, this demand is often not where the money flows to all. Therefore worth time and again, a look at the account books to analyze who is the club accounts and how to stop the money drain.

is to save money A good way to consider which Sponsor may make contributions in kind instead of cash available, which is then combined in the form of advertising performance. Classic examples of this are:

  • office supplies and office equipment (eg for the office)
  • food and beverages (eg, association parties, or on match day)
  • lawn care on the training ground
  • building maintenance
  • Web Services
  • Print
  • other services
does Usually there is a lot easier in kind sponsor to make available, as it is cheaper for him than the corresponding cash payment. Ultimately, it may also be the club no matter whether he gets as buying office supplies or made. Need he do it all.

one has found a sponsor who can provide a kind available, which are usually purchased to be expensive, it's about him to offer something in return. Here, care should be taken to ensure that you find a promotional platform for the sponsor, which fits him. Many sponsors is the simple band presence at the stadium just too little.

For example

A football club does not have its own gym, but would like to run with the team's strength training. Thus, a cooperation with a gym would be useful. You could offer to the gym so as perimeter advertising, an ad in the newspaper club, but also the active promotion of the studio, the club members. To atraktive can apply the course program and at the stadium visitors to propose to the fitness center, a half-time show to present (eg dance routine of hip-hop course) and promotions carried out at the stadium visitors.

In return for the advertising service may be the first Team training in the gym for free (by which the gym can boast of course).

Conclusion: saves
The association enormous cost of purchasing your own fitness equipment and the gym is a very good advertising platform to generate new customers.

There are countless Sponsorship opportunities as you can also operate in the form of equipment or services. This form of advertising and ideally both partners can save you money. Ultimately, should from such cooperation, both sides emerge as winners.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Shold I Name My Cke Shope

FREE poster advertising for football clubs

Today I would like to present a way how to get free poster advertising a football club for its home matches and thus even more money earned. And so it goes:

there are not many ways for companies bold to advertise in cities, unless you take a lot of money in hand and uses one of the areas reserved for this purpose (advertising pillar, billboards, Citiy-light areas, etc.). What the cost of this type of advertising you can calculate for example Stroer .

A cheaper alternative would be posters, mounted on lamp posts. However, there is a problem for companies here: This form of advertising that is primarily the application of events without notice. Company these advertising space is generally not use unless they are a sponsor of the promoted event (eg a home game of a football team) and "purchase" is thus the right with the company logo to present on the posters.

A sample calculation:
billboards with 200 billboards in the area of Reutlingen / Tübingen for two weeks costs about 1,000 €. About half of these costs will be incurred for the attachment of the billboards. Put one already mounted billboards and posters for other events (eg for every home game of a football club) in about half the cost and you pay for this number of posters per home game, only about 500 €. By comparison, the occupancy of 10 City Light columns for only 7 days in the same area costs about € 2,000.

What does this mean in practice for a football club who wants to advertise its home games?
  1. If you own no money for billboards at their disposal, it must first a sponsor is found, the funds the poster campaign.
  2. The sponsor receives a clearly visible logo on the poster to advertise the game day (see picture above, the sponsor (GEA) should be clearly bigger!)
  3. The posters are in high-traffic sites (traffic lights , crossings, zebra crossings, arterial roads) and placed advertise the event through a longer period.
  4. best, this sponsor also presents the entire match as a "day sponsor" and receive additional rights, such as loudspeaker announcements or promotional activities on match day, ads on the stadium issue, logos on the website, etc. This allows the club extra revenue generated

  • cost savings for the club through debt financing of the posting
  • facilitate the search for sponsors because of a thoughtful approach
  • long-term promotion of the event to get more viewers
  • commercial presentation of increase Sponsors the public to its image / reputation

  • The association, as more people learn about the home games and the chance consists of more on the viewers (more viewers mean more revenue through ticket prices, more selling food, drinks and merchandise, etc.)
  • The sponsor, since he receives in advance of the event is a relatively inexpensive and eye-catching advertising presence which are distinguished by the "Presenting" further enhance the matchday can.
  • The audience, since more viewers mean normally better mood.

Eml Security Light Manual, Series 100


for information:

early September, I get a BMS installed.
For the following I have decided:

much in advance. Later more.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Frozen Throne With Bots

acceleration / speed on the mountain

Today I start testing on the mountain. In normal operation it is extremely rare for me that I hill starts. Therefore I (80kg total weight of clothes) attached at two different pitches, and I drove off. The following came out everything here:
Test 1: accelerated
slope starting from a standstill
Roller to about 35-40km / h

Test 2: accelerated
slope starting from a standstill to about
Roller 20-30km / h

Both slopes were tested in the field evenly. However, not very long. Perhaps the roller slightly faster for longer test area.
was also not the scooter is fully charged fresh, and I think that also affects the torque. The top speed is absolutely
with freshly charged batteries even slightly higher than after the first 15-20 kilometers. Thereafter, however, is the scooters performance not significantly decline. Maximum in the last quarter again (subjective assessment).

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wha Is Electric Outlet

loading time

was the first time today I watch the duration of the load.
The scooter has been (as listed in the table consumption) 45km down and then fully charged again. Which lasted until the very end exactly 4 hours 10 min During this time loaded 2.39 kwh.

Friday, July 3, 2009

2010 Football Backplates

maintenance intervals

was with surprise I found that the instructions of the new SCP-4040 contains a region similar to the maintenance record of a normal car. One should be examined within the limits of the scooter service schedule purely down according to a stamp. Otherwise goes out of warranty.
following maintenance intervals are indicated:
  1. 300km 1000km 2500km
  2. 5000km 7500km 10000km

following should be considered:
  1. el. System: lighting, turn signals, horn
  2. tire air pressure (2.5 bar), tread depth (at least 1.6 mm)
  3. fluid level / leak
  4. braking front / rear effectiveness
  5. Suspension / leak
  6. battery voltage measurement
  7. tighten battery terminals
  8. Check batteries for leaks
  9. brake hoses for damage
  10. brake fluid (at least Switch 1x annually)
  11. Check brake pads
  12. horn for function
  13. engine main cable for damage
  14. electric motor on-center mounting examine
  15. suit all security-relevant screws for
  16. brake light switch for function
  17. headlight setting
  18. Wheels: Clearance , smoothness
  19. tires for damage and foreign body check
  20. steering head bearing play, trailing screw
  21. All lock mechanisms for function
  22. lubricate speedometer drive / check
  23. lubricating points: cables, levers, Side stand, main stand,
  24. lock mechanisms
  25. seat hinge
  26. conclusion: test drive with detailed functional check of all systems.
was also required to existing models, such a maintenance schedule?
Well, the cost of maintenance has greatly limited, because most items are actually already paid with the mandatory inspection of the vehicle before departure and driving itself.

اسيا كاريرا


I have finally managed the time and date or to the board's Clock. Actually very simple - there are only two control buttons. The seals of the buttons, however, very strong force Pressure until it comes to the signal. I did not know and therefore the bottom button never really responding ^ ^
Unfortunately, the Clock in the manual are not mentioned.
The photo of the Clock with the two white control knobs is a bit blurry unfortunately :-(